While it is a fact that money talks, we’d like to take it a step further and add that a stellar brand story talks too. Without a brand story, it’s difficult to connect with your community, it’s difficult to reach your goal, and ultimately, it’s difficult to get seen by your target audience. In most cases, your story is what truly sells your brand.
At TGND Consulting, we are big on storytelling, and we define a brand story as creating a meaningful connection with your audience through personal narratives that showcase your brand’s mission, values, and purpose. In the same way that your favorite books and movies grab and hold your attention, compelling brand stories do the same for your audience. It helps them remember your brand, develop empathy for your brand, and, ultimately, care about your brand. When clients first sign on with us to get their PR and brand image on point, one of the very first things we do is help develop their story. From this story, we can then begin to craft a campaign.
Speaking of campaigns, we were once hired to create a campaign, help boost enrollment, increase donations, and heighten awareness around an Atlanta-based HBCU working to restore its accreditation. That HBCU was Morris Brown College, and as HBCU alums, we are so honored to have had this opportunity. Using a sound PR strategy, compelling storytelling, and the power of video, we were able to do all of the above and more, even getting notable Atlanta influencers, changemakers, and celebrities onboard. Check out our case study:
Morris Brown College (MBC)
About Morris Brown College:
Founded in 1881 by the African Methodist Episcopal Church, Morris Brown College (MBC) is chartered by the State of Georgia as a private, coeducational, liberal arts college engaged in teaching, research, and public service in the arts, humanities, social and natural sciences and professional programs. The mission of MBC is to provide educational opportunities in a positive and nurturing environment that will enable its students to become fully functional people in our global society. MBC remains the first and only HBCU founded for us by us.
MBC’s Story & Goals:
Morris Brown College had financial mismanagement around the time that it lost its accreditation, and as a result, the school went into bankruptcy in 2015. The once-flourishing college then saw its enrollment plummet from approximately 2,000 students to less than 50. This video tells the college’s story.
TGND Consulting’s goal was to create brand awareness and increase exposure for MBC through the use of video. MBC’s goal was to increase enrollment by 100%.
Proposed Solutions:
While reestablishing a college’s credibility is extremely difficult after losing accreditation, TGND Consulting knew that with the right strategies and tactics in place, we could help make anything happen.
Being big believers in the power of digital video content, we proposed the creation of a regional commercial that would air across the southeast region. We knew that if we used video to share MBC’s story and their focus on restoration, we’d pique their target audience’s interest and reach our goal. We also proposed pro bono and organic placements with print, digital, radio and televised media, as well as influencer marketing, and relationship building and networking with MBC’s president, Dr. Kevin James.
We are so proud to share that MBC’s accreditation has now been officially restored! Here are the results of the campaign:
- TGND Consulting spearheaded the production of the above mentioned commercial, and we were able to secure its distribution (in collaboration with 22Squared) across the southeast region in the following cities: Atlanta, Huntsville, Panama City, Charlotte, Greensboro, Dothan, Jacksonville, Kansas City, Fort Myers, Nashville, Baltimore, West Palm Beach, Orlando, and Tallahassee. Click here to watch the commercial.
- TGND Consulting secured a total of 30+ placements in print, digital, radio and televised media, with the support and partnership of 22Squared. Find a few press clippings here.
- TGND Consulting used influencer marketing tactics to get Atlanta native, T.I., onboard to collaborate with Morris Brown College. T.I. was strategically chosen because of his impact on the youth and his influence in the city of Atlanta. He’s known as “The King of the South.” When it came to the deliverables, we had T.I. and Dr. James sit down to discuss partnership and networking. Through this opportunity, Dr. James was invited to be featured on T.I.’s podcast, “expediTIously.” He also got a personal invitation to tour the Trap Museum. See T.I.’s podcast analytics here, along with photos taken on the day they recorded the episode.
- TGND Consulting leveraged Dr. Kevin James’ past press, personality, networking skills and business skills to strategically place him in spaces and around notable people who could further promote our campaign message and ultimately assist us in securing additional coverage.
In our recent blog post, “3 DIY Tips For Attracting Your Ideal Client,” we shared the importance of having testimonials for your business. When you have testimonials, you have hard proof that you not only did the work, but that you did it successfully.
Click here to watch Dr. Kevin James’ testimonial about his experience working with TGND Consulting. We are so honored to have helped him get the MBC story out there, and we’re even more pleased with how happy he is with our work.

We know you don’t like being in front of the camera. We know you feel awkward. We know you wish you could just run your business behind the scenes, but the truth is, sis, digital video content paired with a sound PR and brand strategy is truly unmatched.
Video is known to increase audience engagement, and research shows that when you include video in your PR strategy, you can grow your customer base by almost 50%. Video helps you clearly and precisely communicate your story, build your brand’s identity, and connect with your audience. Because we chose video as the primary vehicle to showcase MBC’s story, the college received its FIRST regionally aired commercial across the southeast, obtained greater brand awareness and exposure, and saw an increase in applicants.
Interested in checking out more TGND Consulting case studies? Click here. Looking to discover the possible impact that digital video content can have on your brand? Book a FREE 30-minute PR Analysis.
Led by Donna and Dwayna–twin sisters and mompreneurs–TGND stands for The Girls Next Door. At TGND Consulting LLC, the duo provides public relations, brand imaging and brand strategy to moms with lifestyle brands. Interested in taking your brand from good to magical? Book a FREE 30-minute PR Analysis. Want more tips and support? Join our Mommi Hustle Facebook Group!
Written by TGND Consulting, LLC in partnership with Sage Reeds